nelly edt
(共 3 筆)
Poeticas de la Disidencia / Poetics of Dissent
- 出版日期:2016-03-22
- 作者:Diamela,Errazuriz,Lotty (CON)/ Richard,Nelly (EDT)/ Eltit,Paz (PHT)/ Rosenfeld
- 出版社:Poligrafa Ediciones Sa
$ 2,025 -
Re-Imagining the First World War: New Perspectives in Anglophone Literature and Culture
- 出版日期:2015-07-15
- 作者:Anna (EDT)/ Strehlau,Branach-kallas,Nelly (EDT)
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 3,958 -
Coping with Evil in Religion and Culture
- 出版日期:2007-12-30
- 作者:Lourens (EDT),Nelly (EDT)/ Minnema,Van Doorn-harder
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 6,525